Michele Pifferi, Controllo dei confini e politiche di esclusione tra Otto e Novecento

Michele Pifferi, “Controllo dei confini e politiche di esclusione tra Otto e Novecento”

in E. Augusti, A.M. Morone, M. Pifferi (eds), Il controllo dello straniero. I “campi” dall’Ottocento ad oggi, Roma: Viella, 2017, pp. 81-104.


The chapter investigates the origins of immigration detention centres and their legal justification between the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the US and UK, emphasising he constitutional tensions between the protection of individual rights and border-control policies. Deportation rules and proceedings are also examined as a critical point of migration law, both in a country characterized by a very limited immigration such as Italy and in the US, which was the destination of large migration flows.