University of Salento

Luigi Nuzzo is full professor of Legal History and History of International Law at the University of Salento.

After graduating in Law at the University of Pavia, he held a PhD in History of Medieval and Modern Law from the University of Siena. Several times fellow at the Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt am Main), he carried out research at the Universities of Barcelona (UAB), Seville, Madrid (UAM), Mexico City (UAM), La Habana, Berlin (FU). Permanent Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (2008-), he was  Senior Robbins Research Fellow at the University of California at Berkeley (2007; 2012; 2018); Hauser Global research Fellow at the New York University, (2014-2015) and Fernand Braudel Fellow at the European University Institute of Florence (2016). He was visiting professor at the University of Autonóma de Madrid, University of Vienna and at the EHESS (Paris). He is the director of the Phd Course on Law and Sustainability (University of Salento). He is also a member of the Instituto Internacional de Derecho Indiano (Buenos Aires) and of the editorial board of the Journal of History of International Law (Heidelberg) and Storica (Rome). His publications include Origini di una scienza. Diritto internazionale e colonialismo nel XIX secolo (2012); Constructing International Law. The Birth of a Discipline (2012, co-editor with Milos Vec); Lawyers, Space and Subjects. Historical Perspectives on the Western Legal Tradition (2020); El lenguaje juridico de la conquista. Estrategias de control en las Indias españolas (2021).

Eliana Augusti is Associate Professor of Legal History at the University of Salento.
She collaborated on several international research projects and has held research grants at the Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte – Frankfurt am Main, Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches Öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht- Heidelberg, Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights -Helsinki, Orient-Institut – Istanbul.  She has been Principal Investigator for the FIR Research Project (2012-2016 MIUR) on Migration policies and legal transplant in the Mediterranean Area. Control strategies between colonialism and post-colonialism. She is currently in the Executive Board of the ADiM Research Group (Law and Migration Academy – Project of excellence) on The national dimension: borders management. Since 2020 she is the Director of the Master’s degree on Euro-Mediterranean Migration Policies and Governance (University of Salento). Her research interests focuses on the History of International law, Europe-Ottoman Empire international relations, Consular and Colonial law, Globalization theories and Global History, Migration Studies, Legal transplants.

Luigi Melica is full professor of Comparative Constitutional and European Law at the University of Salento. After graduating in Law at the University of Bologna, he held a PhD in Public Law at the same University. He was awarded an honorary doctorate in law from University of “Petru Maior”, Târgu-Mures– Romania. Head of Legal Science at University of Salento, also head of the Master Professionnel Européen de Administration Publique (MPEAP) at the University of Salento. Member of Italian Association of Comparative Law, Italian Association of Constitutional Law, National Commission for the control of the statistics data, Judiciary Council of the Court of Appeal, Académie internationale de droit comparé. Member of the Scientific Committee of DPCE OnlineEunomiaDiritti RegionaliThe Judical Current JournalAgora International Journal of Juridical SciencesCollana idee e pratiche dell’evoluzione del diritto.

He was visiting professor at the University of Miskolc, at the Univesity of Târgu-Mures. For almost 15 years, very experienced Team Leader (in 4 occasions and for 6 times on long term assignments, all concluded successfully) and/or Scientific Coordinator in EU Masters and Training and Research projects. His publications include Lo straniero extracomunitario.  Valori costituzionali e identità culturale (1996), Federalismo e libertà in America Latina. I modelli di Messico, Argentina e Venezuela (2002), Fondamenti costituzionali della coesione europea (2006), European Constitutional Development (2012), L’Unione Incompiuta (2015), Le costituzioni di Federico II: un prezioso contributo alla storia della comparazione giuridica (2017).

Attilio Pisanò is Associate Professor of Legal Philosophy and Human Rights at the University of Salento, member of the International Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies on Migration (University of Salento) and Principal Researcher of the Political Terror Scale Project (University of North Carolina). After graduating in Law at the University of Florence, he held a PhD in Bioethical and Juridical Sciences from the University of Salento. He was Visiting Professor at the Universidad del Magdalena (Santa Marta Colombia) and he had lectures in several European universities (Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid; Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid; Universidad de Sevilla; Universidad de Valencia; Universidade de Beira Interior, Covilha -Portugal-; University of Istanbul; University of Tallinn). He published scientific articles, mostly concerning human rights, in International and Italian reviews (Human Rights ReviewInternational Journal of Human Rights,  Peace Human Rights GovernancePolitica del DirittoRivista di Filosofia del DirittoRagion PraticaDiritti umani e Diritto internazionale). He is also author of Crisi della legge e Litigation Strategy, Milano, 2016; Diritti deumanizzati. Ambiente, Animali, Generazioni Future, Specie Umana, Milano, 2012, I diritti umani come fenomeno cosmopolita. Internazionalizzazione, Regionalizzazione, Specificazione, Milano 2011).

Luciano Nuzzo is currently professor of Sociology and Law Theory at “Universidad Federal do Rio de Janeiro” (UFRJ). He was Professor of Philosophy and Law Theory at “Università del Salento” from 2010 to 2019. In 2018, he obtained the ASN (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) as associate professor in Philosophy of Law (12/H3) and in Political and juridical Sociology (14/C3). In 2006 he obtained a Phd in Philosophy and Sociology of Law at “Università del Salento”. He has been visiting fellow at the “Max Planck Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte” (Frankfurt a. M).; at the “Institut des europäische Rechts” of Sarland University  (Saarbrücken); at the “Research Institute for Law, Politics and Justice” of Keele University (Keele). From 2015 to 2017 he was a CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico) visiting research fellow at “Universidad Federal do Rio de Janeiro” (UFRJ)”. He pubblished two books: Il mostro di Foucault. Limite, legge, eccedenza (Meltemi, Milano, 2018); Le anticamere del diritto. Ordine politico ed eclissi della forma giuridica (Pensamultimedia, Lecce, 2008) and several articles in Italian, English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Entela Cukani is research fellow at the Department of Cultural Goods of the University of Salento.

Law degree at the University of Salento (2008), PhD in Forms of evolution of the law (2014). From 26 September 2018 is qualified for the role of Professor (2° degree) in Comparative Constitutional Law. Has recived fellowships by San Pio V (2016) and has been researcher in several international projects.  Research fellow at the Department of Law of University of Salento (2017) and since September 2020 at the Department of Cultural Goods of University of Salento. She is affiliated to the “Centro di Ricerca Euroamericano sulle Politiche Costituzionali” (ass. RED Clacso); Member of Association of European and comparative public law; Member of ADIM (Accademia italiana diritto dell’immigrazione). She has been visiting scholar at the Universidad de Huelva; Universiteti Ismail Qemali Vlore; Universiteti i Tiranes. Cukani is Memeber of the editorial board of the following journals: Diritti regionali; DPCE on line; Osservatorio regionale – Le Regioni; Coordinator of section “Balkan Studies” for CEDEUAM. Her main research interests focus on comparative constitutional law, migration, minorities and autonomies.

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