Cristina Vano is full Professor of Medieval and Modern Legal History and History of Justice at the University of Naples “Federico II”, Department of Law.
Law degree at the University of Naples, PhD in Modern and Contemporary Legal History (1991), Attorney at Law (1988). Researcher (1992-2002) and then associate Professor at the Law Faculty in Naples, she has also been teaching Legal History at the University of Salento (1996-2007).
She has been visiting professor or research fellow in several Universities and international Academic Institutes, such as Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte in Frankfurt am Main, New York University-School of Law, University of California at Berkeley, Universität Göttingen, Universität Trier, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Universidad de Huelva, Humboldt Universität Berlin, Universität zu Köln, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.
She directed and collaborated to many national and international research projects and is currently member of the Editorial Boards of scientific Journals (Anuario de Historia del Derecho Español; Annaeus. Anales de la tradición romanística; Rivista di storia del diritto italiano; Il Foro Napoletano) and Series (Ius regni; Valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli; Historia del Derecho, Universidad Carlos III di Madrid).
She is Member of the Scientific Board of the PhD Course Human rights. Theory, History and Praxis (Unina) and Coordinator of scientific international agreements with the Universidade Federal do Paranà and with the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.
Her main research topics concern Comparative legal history, German historical School, History of labour law, Legal translations and transplants, Methodologies and communication strategies of the European legal culture.
Her publications include Della vocazione dei nostri luoghi. Traduzioni e adattamenti nella diffusione internazionale dell’opera di F.C. von Savigny, in Historia et jus, 10 (2016); Las Novelas y la escuela. Vidas de textos y biografía (colectiva) de la Historische Rechtsschule, in E. Conde Naranjo (cur.), Vidas por el derecho, Madrid, 2012; Der Gaius der Historischen Rechtsschule. Eine Geschichte der Wissenschaft vom römischen Recht, Frankfurt/Main 2008; Tradução e contaminação cultural na história jurídica. Usos e abusos de categorias historiográficas velhas e novas (2021)
More information on https://www.docenti.unina.it/#!/professor/4352495354494e4156414e4f564e414353543631453434463833394e/riferimenti

Daniela Luigia (Gia) Caglioti (PhD, EUI, Florence) is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Naples Federico II and coordinator of the PH.D. Programme in Global History and Governance (Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Università di Napoli Federico II).
She is the President of SISSCo (the Italian Society for the Study of Contemporary History).
Caglioti has been visiting fellow at the University College London, the University of Essex, the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University, the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies. Twice member of the School of Historical Studies of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, she has also been Visiting fellow at the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam and the Remarque Institute, New York University.
She is member of the editorial board of Contemporanea. Rivista dell’800 e del ‘900 and of The Yearbook of Transnational History. She is also member of the Scientific Council of the Ecole Française de Rome.
She has published extensively on nineteenth-century migration, minorities, social classes, and more recently on enemy aliens and citizenship in WWI.
Full list of publications: https://www.docenti.unina.it/webdocenti-be/allegati/contenuti/1480200
After graduating in Law at the University “Federico II” of Naples, she attended the International Research School for Comparative Legal History at the Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt-am-Main, and was awarded a PhD in History of Medieval and Modern Law from the University of Macerata. She has been Visiting Fellow (and is Life Member) of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge (2007-2008), and of the Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt-am-Main (several times between 2007-2019).
She has taken part in the international research projects “Comparative Legal History: Methodology & Legal Sources, Institutions & Codifications”, financed by Olin Foundation of Legal History, Stockholm; “The Comparative History of Central Courts in Europe and the Americas”, financed by Gerda Henkel Stiftung, Berlin; and in the PRIN “Jurisdiction, public and private economy between ancient and new regime”. She is in the editorial board of Comparative Legal History and is member of the Selden Society, the European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH), the Italian Society of Legal History, the Law and Migration Academy (ADiM), the International Center for Research from late Antiquity to the Modern Period (CIRTAM).
Her research interests include comparative legal history, with particular reference to English common law, history of migration law, history of public law. She has published essays in Quaderni Fiorentini, The Journal of Legal History, Forum Historiae Iuris, Rechtsgeschichte, Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico, Rivista di diritto civile. Her publications include: «The rulers of the land»: i justices of the peace alle origini del diritto amministrativo inglese (2020), Legal Education in England and Continental Europe in the Early Modern Period (2019); Governare i migranti. La legge sull’emigrazione del 1901 e la giurisprudenza del Tribunale di Napoli (2017); La Magna Carta e lo jus commune: il difficile “dialogo” tra common law e diritto continentale (2016); “Una dispotica creazione”. Il precedente vincolante nella cultura giuridica inglese dell’Ottocento (2012). Full publications on https://www.docenti.unina.it/dolores.freda.

Francesco Rotondo. Law degree at the University of Naples Federico II (2002), PhD in “Roman Law e Romanistic tradition: the fundaments of European Law” from the University of Naples Federico II (2006), Francesco Rotondo is researcher in “History of medieval and modern law” at the Law Department of the University of Naples Federico II.
He currently teaches “History of Criminal Law” and “History of constitutions and modern codifications” at Law Department of the University of Naples Federico II. He has been teaching History of Medieval and Modern Law at the Law Department of the University of Salento and “History of modern codifications” at Law Department of the University of Naples Federico II (2015-19).
Francesco Rotondo is a member of the Scientific Board of the PhD course in “Human Rights. Theory, History and Practice” at the Law Department of the University of Naples Federico II. He is a member of the “Italian Society for the History of Law”, the “Italian Society for the History of Institutions” and the “Interdepartmental Research Center from Late Antiquity to Modern” (CIRTAM).
He has received several fellowships by the Max Planck Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte in Frankfurt am Main.
His main research interests concern the history of the relations among law and medicine (XIX-XX), the spread of criminal anthropology in South America, the criminalization of the South-European immigrants by the Latin Americans States, the history of forensic medicine.
Full publications on https://www.docenti.unina.it/francesco.rotondo

Olindo De Napoli, member of the University of Naples Federico II unity of the project, is Associate Professor in Modern History. Law degree at the University of Naples Federico II (2006), PhD in Analisys and Interpretation of European Societies (2008) and in History of Law (2013), then researcher at the Department of Social Scienes of the University of Naples (2015). De Napoli has received fellowships by the Luigi Salvatorelli Foundation (2005), the National Institute Ferruccio Parri (2008-2009), Centro di Ricerca sull’Integrazione Europea, at the University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa (2007-2008), the Institute for Advanced Study – Princeton (2014-2015), and has been visting scholar at European Institute, Columbia University (2013) and Universidad de Huelva (2018).
De Napoli has been member of the Prin 2015 project “War & Citizenship: Redrawing the boundaries of citizenship in the First World War and its aftermath” directed by Daniela L. Caglioti and is currently member of the board of the PhD in Global History and Law, at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale.
De Napoli is member of the editorial board of the journal Il mestiere di storico.
His main research interests focus on legal history of colonialism and racism.
Full publications on https://www.docenti.unina.it/olindo.denapoli and https://unina.academia.edu/OlindoDeNapoli

Virginia Amorosi is research fellow (rdta) of Legal history at the University of Napoli Federico II.
Law degree and PhD in Philosophy of Law at the University of Napoli Federico II.
She was research fellow at the University of Napoli (2014-2017) in the FIR Research Project (Miur 2012) on Migration policies and legal transplant in the Mediterranean Area. Control strategies between colonialism and post-colonialism, research fellow at the University of Salento in the PRIN Research Project (Miur 2008) on Diritto alla memoria e popolazioni indigene (2011), visiting researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte in Frankfurt am Main (2012).
She is member of the scientific board of the Sislav –Società italiana di storia del lavoro (since 2016) and member of the editorial board of the Sislav book series.
Her main interests focus on history of labour law, migration law and social issues, in a comparative and international perspective.
More information in: https://www.docenti.unina.it/#!/professor/56495247494e4941414d4f524f53494d525356474e38325336344235303652/riferimenti

Stefania Torre Law degree at the University of Naples Federico II (1992), Attorney at Law (1994) PhD in “History of Italian Law” from the University of Siena then researcher at the Law Department of University of Naples Federico II.
She teaches “History of legal Professions” and “History of Medieval and Modern Law” at Law Department of Naples. She has been teaching of “History of Medieval and Modern Law” at Law Department of University of Naples Parthenope, and “History of modern Codification” at University of Naples Federico II.
Her research interests concern the History of commercial law, History of intellectual property law and History of Legal Professions.
Full publication on: https://www.docenti.unina.it/stefania.torre